Chemin de St Jacques Via Vezelay

Information and accommodation

Start: Rocroi (FR)
End: Vézelay (FR)
Total length of route: 536 km | 333 miles

Villages along the route
Château-Porcien (0,1 km) | Asfeld (0,2 km) | Reims (1,5 km) | Verzenay (0,2 km) | Châlons-en-Champagne (1 km) | Vitry-le-François (0,7 km) | Tonnerre (0,1 km) | Chablis (0,1 km) | Venoy (0,1 km) | Cravant (0,1 km)

Altitude information
Maximum height: 389 m Total climb: 7049 m
Minimum height: 56 m Total descent: 7142 m

Result: accommodations